Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino
Antiviral package Protea AntiVirus Tools
for Lotus Domino is designed to provide a virus protection within
Lotus Domino. Avast and Clam AntiVirus scanner is used for a virus
Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino acts as follows
- Scans all mail passing through Lotus Domino for viruses.
- Scans for viruses documents in the users bases as set by
- Deletes or removes into quarantine infected and suspected
mail messages and documents.
- Notifies users and administrators about infected and suspected
- Saves results in the Log file.
Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino consists of the following components:
- Monitor - to check up incoming and outgoing messages.
- Scanner - to check up documents in nsf bases as set by Administrator.
- Updater - for automatic update of anti virus bases.
- Configuration base - to manage anti virus package.
- Quarantine - to keep infected and suspected objects.
Real time scanning and cleaning e-mail traffic of Lotus Domino without
slowing down mail delivery. Infected objects are blocked regardless of
format, archive or compression type.
Mail messages monitor checks:
- Body of the mail message.
- Attached files.
- Any attached OLE objects.
On-demand scanning ensures that databases are virus-free on setup. Fully
configurable scheduled database scanning offers an additional layer of
protection. Scanner checks databases in the catalogs specified by Administrator.
The following objects in the documents are scanned:
- Rich Text fields.
- Attached files.
- OLE objects.
- Encrypted files can not be checked.
- Electronic signature may be damaged during check up process.
- Files created in OS2 and Macintosh can not be checked.
Main features
There are the following features in use of Protea AntiVirus Tools for
Lotus Domino:
- Avast and Clam AntiVirus scanner is used.
- Different antivirus scanners can be enabled.
- E-mail messages with multiple recipients are filtered only once,
before delivery, not once for every recipient.
- Mail messages monitor can process multiple mail boxes.
- Infected or suspicious files are isolated in the quarantine zone,
preventing network infection.
- Optimized speed.
Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino provides all means to enable different
antivirus scanners, flexible settings of antivirus according to scan results,
notification to addressor, addressee and system Administrator about found
viruses, saving of the original copy of the received mail message.
Enables automatic update of virus definitions, without user intervention,
directly from the Avast and ClamAV servers. Thus, the product is kept
up to date, ensuring a swift and effective reaction.
System requirements
- Windows 7/2000/XP/Vista.
- Lotus Domino R5.0.3 for Windows or higher.
- CPU Pentium 133 or higher.
- Enough disk space to accommodate mail messages and documents.
- 64 MB RAM (recommended 128 MB).
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